Yesterday at 10:15am, my Papa was stripped of all his pain and left this world to live with God in heaven above. Knowing he is safe in the arms our Lord brings peace to my aching heart. Nicole put it perfectly yesterday...Jesus got one heck of an angel today. I love it. Papa has fought his way through a rough journey the past couple of years. It is so hard to watch someone you love fight for life. Last Thursday, he suffered a stroke and was moved to a hospice facility on Saturday, where he spent his remaining days surrounded by his family. I am so glad I got to go see him one last time. He squeezed my hand as I rubbed his arm and told him goodbye.
My mom has been such a pillar of strength and enduring love throughout the whole ordeal. She has unimaginably cared for Mimi and Papa over the past couple of years...and she was there every moment possible during Papa's final days. She got to talk to her dad that one last time before his stroke...I'm sure she'll forever remember that. Jeremy, Nicole, Cooter and I spent the evening at Mom & Dad's last night...listening, reminiscing, and just spending time together. Nothing means more than your family.
Speaking of's a few pics of our growing family! Well, 2 out of 3 of us (me and baby) in my weekly belly shot. I found really cute stickers to document the belly every 4 weeks. I hit 12wks on Saturday...a monumental landmark for me!


Cooter and I went to the doctor this morning for our 2nd prenatal visit. We completed NT screening today. This scan can help the doctor assess the baby's risk of having Down's Syndrome and some other chromosomal abnormalities as well as major congenital heart problems. They measure the clear space in the tissue at the back of the baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid during the first trimester, causing a larger space along the baby's neck. Everything on the scan looked perfectly normal! Not that there is any sort of situation that would cause us to terminate a pregnancy, but there is treatment and preparation before birth that can be done if needed.
The baby is doing wonderfully! We hadn't seen it in almost 2 weeks, as our weekly appointments with the fertility doctor have ended. Today was my first abdominal ultrasound as well, so as you will see, the clarity of the pictures isn't the same as the ones before. But look how much the little guy has grown!

We were once again a little nervous going into the ultrasound. Although I am further along in my pregnancy than I have ever been before, it was the NT screening last time that led us to find out that our baby's heart had stopped beating. As soon as she gelled up my belly and placed the wand, we saw that growing baby! Heart beating and everything...153bpm! It wiggled around a little bit for us, mostly kicking its feet. Its little legs are getting so long...and we could see its tiny feet. During most of the ultrasound, the hands were up by its face, which is where they were last time too. Baby likes to stretch! I am 12w3d today, but the baby measured 12w6d. I am getting so close to finishing my first trimester! I have been feeling better, but still haven't regained all of my energy. Its definitely better though. My nausea is under control, but now I've completely lost my appetite, which makes it hard to want to eat. When I don't eat enough my blood sugar crashes quickly, leaving me feeling dizzy and weak. The baby is just taking so much more than I can give right now! I've actually lost any weight I gained...leaving me with a 0.5lb (and that is a POINT in front of the 5!) weight gain for the first trimester. I've been reassured that the appetite will indeed return, and the pounds will pack on in due time.
Our day ends still mourning the loss of one life, and praising the creation of another.