Happy Valentine's Day! Yesterday, 2/13 was a bittersweet day for us. That was our due date for baby #1. Being given the opportunity to be pregnant again made us count our blessings yet again. We realize God has a plan for us and everything happens for a reason. Although it is much easier to accept now than it was then.
I got a phone call Tuesday with the results of the first round of blood work done 2/1/2010. I was starting to get a little worried that I hadn't heard anything, but no news is also good news. That meant there wasn't something serious enough to contact me immediately. We went through almost 6 weeks of that with the last pregnancy. I lost count of how many viles of blood were piled up next to me that day, but its all worth it. I was cleared of any diseases (rubella, etc.) and do not have toxoplasmosis, which was a slight concern since I do have a cat. Cooter has sacrificed his hate for Grace and has been cleaning the litter box out for me. I cannot express how much I appreciate not having to me the baby in danger messing with kitty poop. Most importantly, my progesterone level (pregnancy hormone) was 31 which the nurse said was "EXCELLENT." That was music to my ears! I started doing a little research and chatting online with other preggo peeps, and the consensus was that anything over 20 is good. I'll take anything pregnancy related that is excellent!
We go back March 1. The baby has officially graduated from being an embryo and is now entering fetus-hood!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
8 weeks and counting...
I have passed the 8 week mark, which means this baby has surpassed the last pregnancy! I am still so very cautious and nervous, but nothing has happened so far to cause me to think I'm not pregnant. I am starting the 9th week of my pregnancy now. I received my first email from What to Expect with information concerning the 9th week today and I got so excited I had to text Cooter and tell him. Each passing week just feels like a blessing from God, no matter how cruddy I feel all day. We have 2 weeks and 6 days until our next appointment. If I understood correctly, we'll be doing another ultrasound, and I will feel such relief to see a growing baby and increasing heartbeat. About 4.5 weeks left in the first trimester! Until I see my belly pop and start to feel this baby moving, I'm going to stay nervous. Keep the prayers coming and grow, baby grow!!!
I'm still unsure of my due date. Based on my last period, I am 8 weeks 1 day. Based on the doctor's given due date, I'm 8 weeks 3 days...so who knows!
Here's a cool ticker I found online. It compares the baby's growth each week to a piece of food. Just to put into perspective, last week it was as big as a blueberry and in a few days we'll graduate from raspberry to olive sized!
Monday, February 1, 2010
We had our first prenatal appointment today. Its funny...ever since I got 4 positive tests in a row and scheduled my appointment, I've been counting down the days until the ultrasound. Suddenly today, I found myself more nervous than excited. Last summer we found out our little guy had become an angel at our first ultrasound, when they couldn't locate a heartbeat. Seeing that baby blob and the flicker of its little heart was such reassurance for us. The odds of miscarriage have been reduced drastically. All the way to work today (in between forced bites of toast to keep me from getting sick...ugh), I'd tear up at the thought of seeing that heartbeat (stupid hormones). Cooter saw it before me and when I looked up, I couldn't quit smiling. I've already looked at the pictures like 10 times since we've been home! Lol... We had such a wonderful experience at the doctor's office too...I'm very pleased with the new practice!

The stats...
The ultrasound tech measured the baby to be 6 weeks 5 days, which is about 2 days earlier than I estimated. Based on my dates, I calculated a September 21 due date, but the nurse gave me an estimated due date of September 19. The baby's heart was beating at a good 116 beats per minute, which is on target for its measurements.
We are beaming right now. There are not words to describe how thankful and blessed we feel to have been given such an amazing gift and to know we've made it this far. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we journey through the first trimester. My next appointment is March 1st. I'll be almost 11 weeks then.
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