Tuesday, February 9, 2010

8 weeks and counting...

I have passed the 8 week mark, which means this baby has surpassed the last pregnancy! I am still so very cautious and nervous, but nothing has happened so far to cause me to think I'm not pregnant. I am starting the 9th week of my pregnancy now. I received my first email from What to Expect with information concerning the 9th week today and I got so excited I had to text Cooter and tell him. Each passing week just feels like a blessing from God, no matter how cruddy I feel all day. We have 2 weeks and 6 days until our next appointment. If I understood correctly, we'll be doing another ultrasound, and I will feel such relief to see a growing baby and increasing heartbeat. About 4.5 weeks left in the first trimester! Until I see my belly pop and start to feel this baby moving, I'm going to stay nervous. Keep the prayers coming and grow, baby grow!!!

I'm still unsure of my due date. Based on my last period, I am 8 weeks 1 day. Based on the doctor's given due date, I'm 8 weeks 3 days...so who knows!

Here's a cool ticker I found online. It compares the baby's growth each week to a piece of food. Just to put into perspective, last week it was as big as a blueberry and in a few days we'll graduate from raspberry to olive sized!

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