Saturday, July 31, 2010

Stick with it!

We have waited all summer, but it is finally time to start injections today! Who knew I'd be excited about sticking myself with a needle?!? Oh what a baby will do to your mind! We went to the doctor yesterday and were given the go ahead to begin. I had bloodwork and an ultrasound to get a baseline for the month. They measured a couple follicles from each ovary so we can track the growth in the weeks to follow. If you remember from a previous post, one month I had six active follicles...which fertility speaking, is a very good thing. Yesterday I had NINE! Will they ALL release an, but it ups my chance of having 3-4 eggs released. Sound crazy, you ask?!? By no means are we trying to have triplets or quadruplets. Every egg released is not always fertilized, or a woman would get pregnant on the first try every time. The odds of all 3-4 eggs becoming babies is like 5%. So, technically there is still a risk, but its a risk willing to be least at this point. Their reasoning behind wanting that many eggs released is to have more targets to hit. Talk like its a hunting game and Cooter suddenly becomes an investigator. He is beyond worried that I will get pregnant with a litter. His exact wording was..."How do we make sure that she's not going to be delivering babies in a box under the stairs?" LOL.

The meds I will be injecting can be adjusted as needed. I go back in on Wednesday and again on Friday for more ultrasounds and bloodwork. They will measure my follicles again to see the effects of the meds. Too much growth, or too many follicles being stimulated, and I will dial down the injection. I will have approximately 10 days of injections. At the end of that time, they will do one last ultrasound to see how many follicles they believe will release eggs. If it's more than 3-4, we stop there and wait until next month. I PRAY that does not happen. Not only do we have to find the patience within ourselves to keep waiting (its already been almost 15 months), but we start over financially too (not that money will make or break this deal, but its kind of a necessity to keep this operation going!).

I'm excited, anxious, nervous... We need your prayers again. We pray that this medication does the work my body needs. We pray for a healthy opportunity to be able to try for a baby. We pray for a successful try. We will know in less than a month if this worked or not. We pray for patience and understanding no matter what happens in the next 30 days.

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