We were quite the busy elves these past few weeks, hence the blogging hiatus. The baby hasn't had much to report, which I suppose is a good thing. Although, I am beginning to grow outward at an alarming rate it seems! After successfully completing NT screening last month, including a great ultrasound and bloodwork to match, we have officially graduated out of the high risk pregnancy category! All of our blood tests came back negative for any heart defects or genetic abnormalities with the baby. We prayed and prayed to make it past that appointment! I am also well into my second trimester now! Woohoo...2/3's of this pregnancy is done! We have been on the road or just plain busy since the weekend before Thanksgiving. Holiday festivities kicked off with the annual trip to Victoria for the Edge Family Christmas...ALWAYS a good time!
Here I am the morning we left. I am 14 weeks pregnant!

Mom and I
Baby Maxwell received his/her first Christmas gifts!
We went straight from Victoria to the deer lease to spend a few very relaxing days before the Christmas craziness began. It was such a more pleasant trip for me as my morning sickness has all but disappeared. I took lots of naps while I was there though...still can't seem to relocate my energy reserve. A nice quiet deer stand makes a perfect napping place. I even managed to sleep in the backseat of Cooter's truck while the guys cut down firewood with chainsaws. With Christmas quickly approaching and the fact that we hadn't hardly been home, I had a marathon wrap-a-thon. Every gift was wrapped within 24 hours. I was so sore from sitting crouched down on the floor for hours. I am a meticulous wrapper, which unfortunately makes it a lengthy process for me. Plus I decided that homemade bows were much needed. I was proud of my hard work though.
Here's our tree and mantle Christmas morning.

me on Christmas morning at 15 weeks
We left our house at 6am and headed to Mom's and Dad's to open presents with Jeremy and Nicole. This year, we had to buy our gifts at the dollar store...3 gifts per person. We had the most fun picking out some of the most heinous gifts and sticking to our $3 budget! Some of those gifts provided the best entertainment all Christmas morning!Cooter and I at Mom and Dad's

Jeremy and Nicole added a new member to their family, Beaux. Here's Beaux and Laila with their Christmas bones...or as I refer to them - puppy pacifiers.
After a quick visit at Mom and Dad's, we headed over to the Gonzalez house to open presents with the kids and eat traditional Christmas morning backstrap and gravy. It was probably the best backstrap and gravy I've ever had, I might add. Its so much fun watching the kids Christmas morning, especially now that they are both old enough to enjoy it all. As we walked in the door with arms full of gifts, Justin kept asking, "Are those presents for me?!?"
I just love capturing them in the middle of it all, in their fuzzy feety pajamas.

Cooter and Justin...I just LOVE this picture! He's such a sweet boy!

Cooter and Emily...look what a big girl she is now!

We had so much fun with the kids this year. We couldn't help but constantly think about how fun Christmas will be next year for us. Our little guy will be 6 months old next year! I can't wait to add another kid to the chaos...they are SUCH blessings! Here's a few more of my Christmas favorites of the kids..

As if we didn't have enough Christmas fun two weeks in a row, we rang in the new year with some of our most favorite people...our neighbors! Jeremy and Nicole joined us, as well as Matthew. This is our 2nd annual New Year's Eve bash and it was just as fun sober as it was intoxicated last year! Okay, maybe not quite THAT fun...but the best part of being sober is I remember everything everyone else doesn't! I fashioned my own fun drink...makeshift mimosas with sparkling cider. Jer and Nicole brought me some sparkling grape juice too! Cooter borrowed his BBQ pit from work and was outside grilling all day long. We had so much food, but as always, it was gone before we knew it! Here's a few pics from the party...
Cooter, me and baby at almost 16 weeks

me and Nicole

The Edge Family (minus Hobie)

Lady Weeni...a few members of the Ladies of the Landing - me, Barb and Rebecca

Gregg, Patrick and Cooter
We are so blessed to have such amazing friends, family and neighbors to share these holidays with. 2011 is sure to be one of the best, especially the fact that we get to hold our precious baby in our arms in just 5 short months!