I have hit 16 weeks (1.1.11)! My belly has grown so much since my last few pics. I actually look more pregnant now, not just like I ate too much.

We had our 16 week appointment today (I am 16w3d as of today 1.4.11). This was the longest we had to wait between appointments so far. The past few days I've been getting more and more nervous leading up to it. My nerves showed...my blood pressure was up - 136/72, which is kinda high for me. They told me that once that top number hits 140 they start monitoring me. We're hoping it was just nerves... Nothing to worry about just yet. I didn't have an ultrasound today, but they did listen to the baby's heartbeat on a doppler. As soon as the jelly hit my belly the nurse was able to find the baby. It has a good, strong heartbeat around 150bpm. I read in What to Expect that around this time, the heart rate usually settles in the 140's or 150's, so we were very happy with that. I felt like I could breathe for the first time all morning after hearing that beautiful sound. We had follow up blood work from last month's NT screening...nothing out of the ordinary, just routine stuff. The doctor and nurse both asked me if I had felt the baby moving yet and I had to say that I don't know. I think I have several times, but its such a new feeling to me, I'm not even really sure what I should be feeling. Plus when I feel flutters I get real still, waiting to feel it again, but its still too unpredictable and the baby still has plenty of room to swim around in there. My doctor said its completely normal, but I should start feeling it move more in the next few weeks! Even then it probably won't be very regular movements, but I can't wait!
We bought ourselves a last minute Christmas gift...the nursery furniture and the bedding! I know its still early, but Baby's R Us had some good sale prices on furniture for the holidays so I wanted to take advantage of it while we could. I have the crib (still in a giant box) and the dresser/changer and chest should be coming in soon. The nursery is finally all clear of my classroom stuff (it temporarily looked like 3rd grade exploded in that room). We are about to paint, then get the carpets cleaned. Love feeling progress!
This is the furniture we bought, except ours is in a dark cherry color. Instead of a traditional changing table, I got a dresser/changer combo...you just put a changing pad on top and after we're done with it, we'll still have a dresser!

Cooter happened to find the bedding we bought in a catalog and I instantly fell in love with it. It has little deer on it, just perfect for our little guy! Its mint green and chocolate brown, so very much neutral colors. I can easily make it more girly if I need to.
Here's the bedding we picked out... Sorry its so small. I'll take a pic when I finally get the room set up!

My next appointment is February 1, which will be the big 20 week ultrasound! I'll actually be 20w3d at the time. We get to find out if the baby is a he or a she that day! I'm so anxious...already counting down the days! Time is flying by!
Love the nursery furniture and bedding! It is so sweet!
I just love reading your posts! I think the furniture and cute deer bedding is so adorable. I can't wait to read your update after your 20 week appt. Thinking of you often during this very special time!
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