Our baby boy is 14 months old. Pushing further into a state of being as toddler and less as a baby (unless of course its anywhere near nap or bedtime, then he's very much still a baby). Not sure where my last post and/or update left off and frankly I'm not going to go back and reread at the moment. So, I'm going to throw out the disclaimer that if I repeat myself, I'm very sorry! Ty is soundly sleeping, I am caught up on what I needed to do during his nap, and this is the last of my quiet time for today...therefore, I blog.

Want an explanation of this month's random post title?!? It describes Ty perfectly right now. The kid is a sponge. He takes in anything and everything he sees, hears, feels, and experiences around him. Its really quite amazing to think of how much he has learned in just the last month. The biggest news to date is that we are officially WALKING! As many of you probably saw via facebook, Ty took off over the past couple of weeks and he has been perfecting his wobbly walk ever since. He has gone from a couple of very slow steps with much coaxing from momma and daddy, to walking completely independently by choice most of the time. He still crawls a lot, especially if he needs to get from point A to point B very quickly. He still needs a piece of furniture, the wall, Laila, or a random warm body to pull himself up, but I foresee that skill improving in the next few weeks. I do realize that running is also in the near future, and my exercise level of keeping up with him around the house is about to increase, but for now, I love watching him find his independence. Ty is so good at keeping himself busy...most of the time. It never fails as I'm trying to cook dinner or get some work done in the office, he is in desperate need of my attention. As most parents would agree, when it gets eerily quiet, you start looking for trouble though...but most of the time I find Ty quietly playing in his room when he sneaks off by himself. He's playing and manipulating toys differently all the time now. He loves his Little People farm and airplane. I find little people all over the house. He likes his shape sorters, although he'd rather take the lid off and empty and refill the box repeatedly than try to actually get the shape in the right hole. He has recently taken a liking to cars and has figured out how to "drive" them around. So cute. One of his favorite things to get into is the kitchen cabinets. We have the chemicals baby proofed, but the rest of the kitchen is his domain. He stacks bowls, plays with tupperware, and oddly enough, he is most intrigued by the grilling spatulas and basting brush. Whatever makes him happy. He asks to see the deer and ducks all the time. As soon as Cooter walks through the door Ty drops whatever he's doing to go meet him and ask to pet the deer, pointing towards the office. This past weekend he started saying fish as well, asking Cici to take him to see the fish all weekend long. He has mastered several new body parts, including his belly button, head, eyes, nose, teeth and toes. He is starting to copy facial expressions and movements. He knows how to reach up high on command. He LOVES music and dances like no one is watching. Like I said...little sponge.

helping me dust

trying to put his shoes on himself
riding the big boy toys
using his spoon
obsessed with deer
Laila is quite possibly one of Ty's favorite people in the world (yes, she is a person in our family). This boy snuggles, cuddles, plays with and beats up on this dog. She is such a good sport and loves him all the same. She is rarely far from him. I often find him in her bed or laid up next to her. He's learned to "love her" (our words for be gentle) and pat her softly. She cracks him up. He gives her treats when we have to leave somewhere. In fact, he can walk from the kitchen to her kennel in our bedroom, treats in hand, toss them in the crate and close her door. As I pick him up he waves bye bye to her. A boy and his dog... I fully expect her to move into his room once he's out of his crib.

Raising an almost toddler is such a rewarding experience. Watching your child learn new things just amazes me every day. Love this little boy. Although its not without its challenges though. With new knowledge and kid-like wisdom comes strong wills and more stubbornness. The daily battle right now is the fact that Ty props his foot up on his high chair tray. I honestly could care less, but it bugs the bejesus out of Cooter. He is so worried that will lead him to put his foot on the table one day. After LOTS of warnings, foot slaps, and short-lived tears, Ty will now smile and promptly remove his foot when asked. Communication, or lack thereof, is also a major challenge at this age. Ty is aware enough to know what he wants, but struggles to tell us. Lots of screaming is involved. Sometimes there are tears, fake and real, and sometimes its just an outright scream of frustration. The pediatrician actually warned me that this would be happening. If an object is near, he will point, which helps a bit. We are currently working on simple sign language. Ty can sign please. Although we have really only worked on and mastered one sign, its pretty neat to know that you just assimilated the first line of communication with your child. Its so funny because he brings us toys he needs help with, shoes to put on, etc. and immediately signs please. I'm pretty sure he recognizes the word and sign for more, but he refuses to use it. Instead if I ask and he does indeed want more of something, he just says please. We're working on signs for thank you, more, and milk right now. Everyday we sing the alphabet song, work on colors, and count to 10. I can't imagine what all I'm going to be able to brag about next month. Our little boy just blows me away.

I say this all the time, but I am just SO happy to be his momma.
1 comment:
I love the photos of Ty and Laila! That is a true family pet/member
:-) My parents dog is the same way with my nieces. Just Awesome:-)
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