Tuesday, February 5, 2013

finally...time to write!

Not a whole lot of new stuff going on in the Maxwell house lately, just a bunch of little things.  The biggest news...if I can keep up with the schedule I have going around the house and my dear sweet child continues to take 2 hour naps in the afternoons, I might have possibly found time to write once again.  I said might...

A little baby update to start us off...  Praise the Lord, my morning sickness seems to have gotten itself under control!  I wouldn't say its gone completely, but I can totally function now.  As long as I get up and eat first thing in the morning (luckily I have a kid that wakes up hungry), and snack throughout the day with Ty (no problem, the kid loves food), my day time sickness seems to have subsided.  I really have to watch how much I eat in the evenings.  I get unbelievably full, which then makes me feel sick.  We tend to go to bed around the same time as Ty during the week, so it helps to go to bed.  Most nights I still wake up feeling sick when I get up to go to the bathroom.  Thankfully, Cooter got me a new pregnancy pillow for my birthday, so going right back to sleep is easy enough for now.  Another big change is my energy level.  Its nowhere near pre-pregnancy, but after feeling narcoleptic for almost 4 months, having any energy at all is definitely welcome!  I am able to keep up with the house once again, more importantly, keep up with Ty once again, and we've started taking walks every afternoon.  Its amazing how much better my morning sickness has been as well as my sciatic pain now that I'm able to exercise again.  And its a good thing that we're out walking again because, not only is my appetite back, but baby is really growing (or maybe its just my belly)...either way, I've started to see the numbers on the scale rise, which I'm totally aware is a good thing, as long as I do so in moderation!  I go back to the doctor next week on Valentine's Day.  I will be 18 weeks and I was SOOOOO hoping for an ultrasound to do the anatomy scan (and also find out the sex of the baby), but I called the doctor last week and asked if that would be a possibility so Cooter could take off work, but no...they told me 18 weeks is too early for the anatomy scan and I'd have to wait until at least 20 weeks.  So, for all who have been wondering, it will be February 28 or possibly a couple weeks later until we find out what this little baby is going to be!  Boo!  I'm oh so very curious this time!  By the way, I've also started feeling some little flutters every now and then!  It makes me even more anxious to feel those kicks!

On to Ty...  We have officially graduated to one nap a day.  I thought I was dreading that, losing a nap time, but turns out that one productive nap is much better than two short choppy ones with a cranky baby all day.  It took a couple of weeks of morning cat naps before the transition was made, but after a busy weekend where he only had the opportunity to get one nap, it was over and done!  Around 11ish he starts fussing a bit, but if I can keep him busy, he doesn't miss a beat.  Luckily since the weather has been nice lately, we go out for a walk after lunch to stretch that fussy time right before he sleeps.  If we go to the playground it wears him out, or even a long walk with often put him to sleep.  If he's not asleep in the stroller when we get home, just a couple minutes in the rocking chair will do it.  I have to admit, its pretty nice!  He still naps in the middle of the living room on a sleeping bag, with everything going on around him.  I have failed repeatedly to get him to sleep in his room during the day.  He is so afraid he will miss something.  I am totally fine with the living room floor for now.

Yesterday I registered Ty for Mother's Day Out.  A week ago, it made me cry...the thought of him going to school, being away from me for 10 hours a week.  But just the week before that, I was sad for the new baby because he/she wouldn't get the alone time with me that Ty had.  After some thought, a good night's sleep, and letting my hormones settle, I was actually excited to register him yesterday.  We signed up online and then waited to find out if he got a spot.  Not having older siblings in the school or being members of this church, we were last on the totem pole for registration.  This MDO program comes highly recommended by my mommy friends in the area.  Someone called me yesterday afternoon to inform me that he was in!  He will go 2 days a week from 9am-2pm.  We didn't get the first two choices of days I wanted, but for now he's in the Wednesday/Friday class (which I'm fine with), but on the waiting list for a spot to open either Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday.  I was avoiding Friday classes in case we wanted to go out of town early one weekend, but to be honest, he gets out at 2pm, and usually Cooter works until lunch or later on Fridays, so that wouldn't be a big deal to wait for Ty to be out of school.  Also, the thought of packing to go somewhere with only one kid sounds so much easier!  He starts in the fall!

That's about it for now!  Off to organize some paperwork to get our taxes ready for the CPA...oh the fun.

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