We were lucky enough to get to see our baby twice in one day! Last week's gummi bear grew into a baby blob. Scroll down and see the growth in just the past 3 weeks...its amazing! We had our weekly appointment with the fertility specialist and I started my prenatal visits with my OB. The pics were taken at 7weeks 5days, despite the dates the pics say. Both doctors are still going by my last period to date the pregnancy, but thanks to the wonderful world of medicine, I am roughly 4-5 days ahead of that timeline. The baby has measured exactly a week ahead with each passing visit, so its growing exactly as it should be! At my first appointment, the heart rate measured 144bpm. We had enough time to grab some breakfast between appointments, and by my second ultrasound, the heart rate was up to 157bpm! Its still so incredible to watch that flicker on the screen and know that means our baby is thriving. I know I've voiced my love for my weekly appointments, but we found out that I will continue those up until 10 weeks. Depending on which dates they go by, that gives me 2-3 more ultrasounds. The nurse said next time we might even be able to start seeing arm and leg buds...I can't wait for that baby blob to start looking like a tiny human! My OB is going to see me again December 7, which will put me about 12weeks 3 days. At that time we will do an NT (neural tube) screening. That involves bloodwork and an ultrasound. This extra testing was doctor recommended after we reminded them that spina bifida runs in Cooter's family. It was the NT screening during the last pregnancy that we found out that our baby's heart had stopped beating at about 9 weeks. I was 8weeks yesterday, which means I am officially past my first pregnancy (which ended at 7w6d), and if I can make it one more week, we will have passed up the last pregnancy. I don't let myself get too excited yet...I just can't. I did frame our ultrasound pic and look at it about 2493 times a day. I've been sick enough to remind myself daily that I am indeed pregnant. Nothing terrible, just feel tired and weak and the nausea comes and goes about 4-5 times a day. Every time I want to hurl, I look at the baby and I gladly feel sick to know he/she is growing! Keep praying!
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