There are not words to describe how amazing it is to watch the life we created growing inside me.
Quite possibly the best doctor's appointment yet! First of all, little baby blob is no longer blobular, but looking much more human like! If I haven't said this repeatedly, I'll say it again...it is SO awesome to get to watch your little one's growth each week. It is incredible how much bigger it is this week than last! The baby measured 9weeks 0 days today, which is 2 days early (bigger). The nurse calls it super baby. While in awe of how much more we could see this week, the baby started wiggling around. The head is as big as the body right now, so you see movements between the head and trunk, like twitches. It moved over and over and we just started giggling! The nurse decided to take a video of the movement and of course the baby chilled out and just laid there. Since it was still, she decided to measure the heart rate, and its started dancing around again...so cute. The heart rate is 174bpm! That is a wonderfully strong heartbeat! She zoomed in for us to see its arm and leg buds...I say buds because they are not fully extended yet, just little small extensions off the body. As she zoomed in and pointed to one of the arms, it waved at us! I gasped and we both started giggling all over again. WOW, that was just the best thing we could've asked to see. If you look closely in the 2nd pic, you can see its little legs. The baby is upside down, so the legs are up and to the left. She said next week we might be able to hear the heartbeat out loud. The placenta is nice and clear, a perfect little circle surrounding the baby (you can see it in all of the pics). If you look at the 3rd pic, it is a little more blurry, but it is zoomed to see the umbilical cord. Actually in that pic, you can very clearly see the head and body. The line that goes straight down is the cord. On the monitor, we could actually see the blood flow through the cord. She took a video of the blood flow too...our baby's life line.
See the video below. The flicker in the middle of the baby is the heartbeat. Watch it twitch and its little feet kick! It wouldn't dance like it was for the video, but still breath-taking!
Thank you to everyone that has continuously kept our family in your prayers. We thank God for every day we have with this baby. Watching it grow is such a blessing.
1 comment:
I almost cried watching this, it is so amazing to see the heartbeat and know that is a little person in there!
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