Thursday, January 6, 2011

look what's coming up...

Birthday Tickers
I am currently NOT freaking out about this...seriously! I debated trying to pull off "29 and counting..." for a while, but why delay the inevitable?!? I am still young, healthy and full of life! Literally, my belly reminds me daily...that and the amount of trips I make to the bathroom everyday. Which also got me thinking that I should consider redecorating the bathroom! LOL The way I look at it, I'm already getting, quite possibly, the best birthday gift ever...motherhood (albeit about 5 months belated, but after 30 we women stop counting, right?!?). I'll proclaim my age and release my inner party animal next year when Cooter turns 30 and we'll celebrate's that?!?


Peggy said...

I loved turning 30 and all of my 30s! Turning 40 - well now that's another thing :)

Unknown said...

I dreaded 30, but have come to realize that it's not so bad! Actually thus far I've enjoyed my 30's more than my 20's. Have a fabulous birthday!