...just had to get that out of my system, so I can go on with the rest of my post!
Sorry for the delay in my 20 week post...I am actually almost 21 weeks now! Between text messages and facebook, baby updates spread fast this past week. Huge week for us by the way! Our family experienced some major milestones in the past week! The inevitable came and went...and my 30th birthday was rather uneventful, but I wouldn't have had it any other way! Mom called the night before and asked if it would be okay if she called me at 4:10am (the time of my momentous birth) as I officially turned 30. We both agreed that sleep was probably a wiser choice. Although chances are good that I was up going to the bathroom around that time of morning anyway. My day was filled with birthday wishes via text, phone and facebook (thank you, technology)...which just reminds me how blessed I am to have so many close friends and family in my life. Cooter brought home a cookie cake with hot pink icing (my cake request, but he picked out the pink himself!) and waaaaay too many candles! He insisted on lighting all 30 candles, although it was just the two (and a half) of us and the fur babies celebrating. Candles didn't stay lit long though...I didn't want to the fire department to know I was turning 30 as well!

Baby is on the move now! It always was, but I feel it everyday now! Some days more than others, but I'm sure it's the baby now! Cooter still can't feel it yet, but sometimes I feel a stronger one here or there, but hopefully he gets to join in on the fun soon! Baby loves fruit and smoothies! He almost always wiggles when I eat fruit...keeps me eating well!
We also finished painting the nursery this past week. I know we have plenty of time to do all of this, but I was glad to be able to paint (with a mask and plenty of ventilation of course) before I get too big to help. You also have to remember that we've been planning that room's future since the day we moved in this house...so nothing is done too early for us! I got Cooter to take a few pics of me in the nursery to document being 20 weeks!

When I went to my show last Sunday, Cooter decided to put the crib together. When I came home, the whole room was set up...brought tears to my eyes. I don't have a mattress yet, so the bedding isn't set up, but here's a few pics of the furniture and the quilt that matches the bedding.

So, now for the real exciting news! We had the much awaited 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday (I was officially 20w3d). It seems like I have been counting down the days till that appointment for as long as I have been pregnant! We really, truly did not have a gender preference. When people would ask Cooter if he hoped for a boy or a girl, he would just answer, "healthy." That's the bottom line...and boy is he! They have such an awesome set up at our doctor's office for ultrasounds. There's a 42 inch TV on the wall for us to watch while she's taking her measurements. This was a longer than normal ultrasound, called an anatomy scan..but of course I didn't mind at all! (except for the 32oz of liquid they made me consume prior to my appointment...ugh, I felt SO sick) I soaked in every second we got to see our baby, our life...wiggling around, hands moving, heart beating. We got to see his head, his face, that adorable profile fit with the perfect little nose! She measured his bones, found his hands, his feet, even his kidneys. We saw a tiny rib cage and spine...and all four chambers of his heart beating away at 130bpm. I watched the tech fill out her checklist at the end of the ultrasound, noting he was an active baby! Most of his measurements put him around 21+ weeks at that time. Baby has been measuring a little big since about 10 weeks. He weighs 13oz (almost a whole pound!)...and his weight matches more closely with the 21+ weeks measurements. She waited until the end of the ultrasound to ask if we wanted to know what we were having. Before she even got him back on the screen, she said its a boy! I knew it! I also thought I saw a little something when she was measuring his legs earlier, but I waited patiently!
The rest of the appointment went well. Doctor and ultrasound tech said everything looked good with the baby and his measurements. No blood work for the first time since I was 3 and a half weeks preggo! My blood pressure was back down to 124/72...so apparently the last trip was just nerves. The only negative was that my doctor told me I was gaining too much weight! My jaw dropped. Here I am, struggling to find maternity clothes that aren't too big for me and I'm gaining too much?!? I'm seriously ALL belly! I even said that to her and she looked at me like I was nuts. Cooter just laughed. I'm blaming the water. Seriously 32oz or more of liquid not even consumed 30 minutes beforehand...and then they want me on a scale? I've been paranoid and checking the scale all the time now...this morning I was 7lbs less than I weighed at my appointment...so take that doctor! All of my friends said just expect that. They are always going to tell you its too much, but as long as the baby is good and your blood pressure is good, then take care of yourself and who cares what they think. I'm only up 10-12lbs since the beginning of my pregnancy...I didn't think that was so bad. According to the doctor, I gained 10lbs in the last month...seriously, blaming the water! Plus I have almost 1lb of baby in there now! =)
The rest of the appointment went well. Doctor and ultrasound tech said everything looked good with the baby and his measurements. No blood work for the first time since I was 3 and a half weeks preggo! My blood pressure was back down to 124/72...so apparently the last trip was just nerves. The only negative was that my doctor told me I was gaining too much weight! My jaw dropped. Here I am, struggling to find maternity clothes that aren't too big for me and I'm gaining too much?!? I'm seriously ALL belly! I even said that to her and she looked at me like I was nuts. Cooter just laughed. I'm blaming the water. Seriously 32oz or more of liquid not even consumed 30 minutes beforehand...and then they want me on a scale? I've been paranoid and checking the scale all the time now...this morning I was 7lbs less than I weighed at my appointment...so take that doctor! All of my friends said just expect that. They are always going to tell you its too much, but as long as the baby is good and your blood pressure is good, then take care of yourself and who cares what they think. I'm only up 10-12lbs since the beginning of my pregnancy...I didn't think that was so bad. According to the doctor, I gained 10lbs in the last month...seriously, blaming the water! Plus I have almost 1lb of baby in there now! =)
Here's the much awaited snap shots of baby Ty! His little hand is up by his ear in the first pic. You can see arm bones and fingers on the side of his head. He's had his right hand up by his head since our early ultrasounds...he's going to sleep like Superman!

No doubt its definitely a boy!!! Think he'll be mortified down the road when he finds out I posted this for all to see?!?
1 comment:
So happy for you!!! I remember when we went for out 20 week scan oh about 5 weeks ago :-) baby was measuring all over the place. From 19 - 21 weeks, but they never told us how much baby weighed. Congratulations on the good baby growing!!!
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