Since we found out it was a boy, things have started feeling even more real. We call him by name, ponder his personality traits, hunting skills, etc. LOL. I have pretty much finished his nursery. I got all of his bedding washed and put in place. Yes, I know I will need to do it all over again before he gets here, but let me be! I am nesting in a bad way... He has wall decor, fit for a little boy, of course! Letters spelling Tyler are painted and ready to be hung on the wall...I LOVE walking in and seeing his name...he's real!!! We just have to stain a few shelves I bought and its pretty much done except for a few things I am hoping to get at a shower!
The infamous belly shot... Every time I post I comment on how big it seems, only to take back my previous words in an insert-here type situation. So I will say it again...within the last week or so, the belly has really popped straight out. Seriously...scroll down and look at 20wks and see how round it is now! I'm starting to worry about getting top-heavy. By 36+ weeks, I might just fall over. I love it though. I have waited SO long to rub my belly. And it doesn't bother me one bit when people ask me when I'm due...that means I must look like I have a baby on board!

Let's talk about little man...since he's kicking me profusely while I'm typing. Talk about active! When he's awake, he's on the move! He's pretty routine with his activity patterns. He moves a little in the morning (he must be hungry), then he chills back out for a while. Laila and I usually take a morning walk, so I'm sure that rocks him to sleep. My stomach hardly ever growls anymore...Ty starts wiggling around before it ever has a chance to tell me I'm hungry. I end up eating and snacking like 6 times a day to keep him happy. About 2-4pm in the afternoon he puts on a pretty good show. I'm usually working at the computer right about then and he likes to claim he existence while I work (as if I have forgotten about him). Then he chills until right before bedtime. He loves for me to sit back and relax...that's when he really gets busy!
Baby Ty made show of his existence to the outside world about 3 weeks ago. I was sitting in bed with my iPad resting on my belly (makes for a great tabletop). I felt him kicking and moving about and all of a sudden, the whole iPad shifted! I thought maybe I had a muscle spasm in my arm so I laid everything down and stared at the belly . Sure enough, a little bump poked up! SO neat to see him moving from the outside! Of course Cooter was out of town that night...poor guy had waited for so long to feel him move. Before he could get back home, I had to leave for 2 finally 4 days later, he got to feel his son for the first time. I teared up watching that connection. He laid his head on my belly to listen and Ty kicked his face. Giggles all around...
Baby kicks are indescribable. I almost always feel him right at or just under my belly button several times a day. That's his sweet spot. But when he's on the go, he is everywhere! I'll call Cooter over to feel him, put his hand on my belly and then he moves somewhere else! He not only kicks, he punches! If he kicks me in the side, you can see it really well. Since I'm all belly out front, my sides are stretched much tighter so he's easy to see. Ty gets hiccups all the time now too! I wasn't sure at first, but after a few times, I figured it out...the same rhythmic feeling in my belly. WIthin the last week or so he's gotten big enough that the hiccups sometimes show from the outside. My belly will twitch every few seconds. Cooter got to feel them the other night too! It's such a reassuring blessing to feel life moving inside you.
We thank God everyday for Tyler.
24 week prenatal check-up... I actually went at 24w5d (we scheduled a late appointment so Cooter could get home from a business trip, but his flight got in within minutes of my appointment, so he missed it). Blood pressure is normal (yay...that was a slight concern at 16wks), weight was good (super yay...since the dr got on to me at the last appointment for that), and no protein in my urine. Momma's good! They gave me a 28 week to-do list to prepare me for my next appointment when I get to do the wonderful glucose test. Baby had a good, healthy heartbeat the 130's, which is where it was for our 20wk ultrasound. I haven't heart that swishy thump-thump of his heart beating in 8 weeks! Such a sweet, sweet sound! The doctor came in to get her measurements (and I was all smiles, thinking HA, nothing wrong with me this time!). She measured my belly circumference for the first time. I have no idea what the measurements were, but all she said was, "hmmm, a little big." Then she said she wanted me to come back in 2 weeks for an ultrasound so we can measure the baby. I will be almost 27 weeks at that point. So, I will also be doing my glucose test early. Since my belly measured big, they will be determining if I have gestational diabetes or will rule it out. I'm not worried about it at all. I have measured at least a week big on ultrasound since Ty was 10.5 weeks. Since we were medically controlled to ovulate, I actually got pregnant about a week early than a natural cycle would have allowed me. The doctor's office still goes by the date of my last period, which I've corrected them...but they don't listen. I won't turn down an extra ultrasound...another chance to see my sweet little man?!? Yes, please!!! I might just start my 2 week check-ups a little earlier than normal. As long as I'm feeling good and he's moving everyday, then I refuse to let anything get my nerves going. I did enough worrying early on...its time to enjoy it all before its over!
Happy me going out to book club with the girls the other night...

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