Several of my friends keep me entertained on facebook with quirky little "isms" that their kids say or do. Kind of a kids-say the-darndest-things type of thing. I figured it would be quite some time before I could start posting my own "isms." Little did I know that a kid doesn't have to be able to speak to make you fact, he doesn't even have to be born yet! On Saturday evening, we were sitting in the garage at the neighbor's house, trying to digest the immense amounts of BBQ we had just consumed. Food comas are awesome by the way... We had the radio playing and everyone was talking. When there's music on, I tend to tap my foot to the beat...subconsciously most of the time. I would think with all that tapping going on, I'd be rocking little man to sleep, but instead, he was rocking out! I swear, Ty was bustin a move in the belly! I stopped tapping long enough to feel him and sure enough, he was kicking and moving all over. I even had Cooter come feel him getting his groove on. Gave me the greatest giggles! Do we have another musician in the family?!?
27 weeks...3.19.11
Cooter, me and Ty at the BBQ
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