Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy 31st Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

My parents are celebrating 31 years of marriage today.  That in itself is quite an accomplishment.  I am honored to have spent approximately 97.6% of their marriage with them (I did the math...).  My parents have set a wonderful example to myself and Jeremy to follow as we entered into marriages of our own.  Still to this day, I know we both find inspiration in them, as they continue to prove that love can stand the test of time.  Its not easy...marriage is work, but I have watched them work, and know its worth every step of the way.  My parents have taught me so much...I have learned how to share and show respect as a child, learned to work hard and persevere as a teenager and young adult, and learned how to love unconditionally.  Best of all, I get to take in everything my parents gave me, as I become a parent myself.

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!

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