Friday, May 6, 2011

pushing 34 weeks!

I am blogging behind again.  Life has been surprisingly busy the past few weeks, just when I thought things would start slowing down!  Maybe its me that is slowing down...  I am 33 weeks 6 days officially.  We went to the doctor a week ago and things still look so far so good!  Good blood pressure, no protein in my urine and my weight check was just so-so I guess you could say.  In two weeks since my previous appointment, I had gained 2lbs.  According to all of my baby books and emails pouring in daily, baby boy is gaining roughly half a pound a week and momma is expected to gain about a pound a week at this point.  So, 2 weeks between appointments, 2lbs gained...I was okay with it.  Of course I received a comment saying that my overall weight gain was alright, but the past couple of visits have been a little high.  Grrrrr.  Its almost comical, if you see me in person and wonder how I'm getting in trouble for weight gain, but I'm way too hormonal to laugh about it.  I still let it hurt my feelings.  Truth be told, I have gained 21 pounds since I got pregnant.  If I gain the average pound a week and actually make it to my due date, I will be around 28lbs...based on my pre-pregnancy BMI, it would be healthy for me to gain 25-35lbs.  So I figure I'm right on target.

Speaking of actually making it to my due date...I am feeling more and more convinced that's not going to happen.  Of course I know he'll come when he's good and ready, but that's just my instinctual feeling.  I have gone from looking like I swallowed a basketball to a beach ball in just a couple week's time.  Check it out...
31wks at the deer lease...last trip without the little guy!
 32 weeks...8 months pregnant!
 33 weeks...that bulge is not my hip...those are long gone...that is baby hanging over the right side of my body!

Do you think he's dropped a little too?  A friend that hadn't seen me in a couple of weeks mentioned it and it does look so a little bit.  Some women know when the baby drops because they suddenly feel like they can breathe again.  I've never had a big issue with that since I've carried him so low from the beginning.  He is always nestled in my right side.  So much so, that at times you can see his little butt poke abnormally far out and you can feel his whole back.  He can push his butt up into my rib cage now, as well as his little piggies.  Think he's running out of room?!?

At the last appointment, I was 32w5d and my belly was measuring about 35wks.  At the appointment before that I asked the doctor if he still seemed big and she said yes, but it was consistent growth each week.  If he continued to show that trend we would do another ultrasound to estimate his size.  Well sure enough, he measured big last week, so we are scheduled for an ultrasound on Tuesday next week.  So excited to see little man again!  He's going to look like he's stuck in a pickle jar!  I don't know if they will technically adjust my due date, but I guess it will give them something to work with.  If he does in fact continue to measure 2-3wks ahead, that puts him full-term size at about 38wks...which is only 4 weeks away!  That made things seem very real.

And I have soooo much to do!  His room is done...hallelujah!  More importantly, I LOVE how it came out.  Its my favorite room in the house.
a view from the door of the nursery
 crib, glider (I know it doesn't match, but it was FREE) and bookshelf
 dresser/changing table and chest...all we need is a changing pad cover!
 chest...complete with Scentsy buddy and burner...and deer horns of course!
 window treatment with his name...sorry its so dark
 bookshelf...another deer horn well out of reach from baby!
 clothes hamper...the sign on the wall says gone huntin'
 Ty's hat rack...a gift from Rupert, Melissa and the kids...isn't it awesome?!?

I've been buying stuff to get my bags ready for the hospital a little at a time.  I don't have them packed yet, but I at least have a list made so worse case, we can pack quickly.  I also have Ty's diaper bag list made...just need a diaper bag!  I set up the bassinet in our bedroom last week.  Its the Johnson family bassinet...which is Cooter's mom's family.  All of the kids, grandkids and great grandkids have slept in it.  It feels really special to be able to continue the tradition with our baby.

We have our first shower this weekend and I am SO super excited!  As ready as things look around the house, we are still missing lots of important stuff, but I really don't want to go out and buy things until after my last shower May 21.  I'll be 36wks at that shower and quite closer to my due date!

Officially, only 6 weeks to go!

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