Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Bunny love

Is this not the happiest baby you've ever seen with the Easter Bunny, or what?!?  At least that's what my neighbor, Alaina says.  Oh my gosh, this little boy was just the best baby when we went to visit the Easter Bunny this past week.  And to think, I almost didn't take him...  I kind of forgot that people take their kids to see the bunny.  I didn't know if it was a rite of passage, like Santa Claus.  Would I be bummed in a couple of years because I didn't do it?  So I gave in.  A major benefit to being a stay-at-home mom...we took off to the mall and got pictures done in the middle of the week, with no lines and worked it perfectly into his eating and sleeping schedule!  It worked out great...the parents in front of us were checking out when we got there, so the Easter Bunny came over and played with Ty a bit.  Ty even gave up a high five to the bunny!  I was a little worried that Ty would wail when I sat him on the EB's lap and walked off, but before I could turn around, the photographer already had a smile.  We took 3 pictures...all wonderfully cute smiles, and settled on this one here.  He looks so big!  We waved bye-bye to the Easter Bunny and I quickly spread the pictures to friends and family.  Ty can wave now, by the way!  What a ham...

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