Sunday, April 15, 2012

double digits

Wow, we have a TEN month old!  I know I say this often, but I am constantly thanking God for choosing me to be Ty's momma.  We are so blessed with this growing little boy!

Over the last month, Ty has perfected his crawl and is setting new speed records every day.  I crawled behind him the other day, pretending to chase him, and I was amazed how fast he is now!  By the way, rolling is just not on his to-do list anymore.  Rolling is for babies.

Ty has been able to pull up on his own since he was about 6 months old.  He's had many limitations around here though, keeping him from practicing that skill.  Poor baby has been too short to reach anything to pull up on.  As soon as he could do it in his crib, we lowered it.  Sorry dude.  What seemed like overnight, Ty can now reach just about everything less than 3ft high.  You name it, the couch, coffee table, glider, bar stools, chairs, etc...if he can reach it, he will be standing!  That also means several of my Scentsy plug-ins have met their demise via Tyler before I could save them.  For a while he would get stuck standing.  After taking several spills to the face, he soon became scared to let go once he was up.  The past couple of days have brought great bravery and he is now strong enough to squat back down.  Oh that squat is so stinking cute too...little fat legs.

The biggest achievement of all this month...Ty has taken his first steps!!!...assisted, of course, but nonetheless, on his own!  He has a walking toy that up until recently, he would just sit in front of to play with.  He's been able to take steps holding our hands for a long time now.  He's got the one-foot-in front-of-the-other thing down.  I've tried for quite some time to help him walk behind that toy, but he would panic and lock his knees in protest.  The fear of falling was just too much for him to handle.  With each upcoming milestone, people always tell me, he'll do it when he's ready.  Sure enough, I stood him up behind that toy and there he went!  He crashed into Laila first, took some time to pet her, and then took off..slowly!  He's since gotten much faster, but still prefers to crawl.  Soon enough crawling will be a thing of the past...

STILL NO TEETH!  I check daily, but I don't feel anything different in his gums.  Not that I really know what I'm looking for either...  His drool is of normal stature and he could take or leave teething toys.  Everything goes in his mouth, but that's a given part of Ty's day.  As my nursing days dwindle, I try to enjoy the few minutes of selfish time I get with my sweet boy.  Before long he'll be too busy to want to snuggle with momma and nurse.  Sippy cups are all the rage!  He does drink water regularly from his sippy and he's quite good with it.  He has to be closely monitored with his cup though because one of his favorite things to do is play in the water...whether that's water coming out of his cup, Laila's bowl, in the name it.  Not that I mind the frequent outfits changes, but I think I do enough laundry for now.

We are still eating purees for the most part, but moving on with finger foods.  We've tried chunky purees, but those just make him gag.  I think it confuses him.  When he is spoon fed, he expects something he can swallow.  When there's chunks in that type of food, he gags as it makes its way down.  Maybe he forgets to chew?  He handles chunks of food sans puree just fine though.  So I feed him three meals a day in puree form to make sure he's getting enough of what he needs right now.  Purees are so easy to measure.  When I eat lunch and dinner, I often give him pieces of what we're eating.  He loves to pick up veggies like green beans, carrots, peas and broccoli.  I even cut up some chicken and macaroni and cheese the other night and he did just fine with those.  He may be toothless, but he can sure eat!  Ty just had strawberries for the first time, which he loved...and I steamed some asparagus for him to try tonight.  I love that he's eating so healthy right now.  Makes us eat well too!

Ty just loves our walks and visits to the park!  We go as often as we can.  He loves to be outside.  He is such a content baby when we're out and about.  Unbelievably thankful for this!

Ty's birthday is coming so fast.  I'm planning away for his party and starting to buy stuff a little at a time.  My favorite item...his customized Very Hungry Caterpillar t-shirt.  It has it name on it and the #1.    Can't wait to see how cute he'll look in it!  As of right now we're planning for June 9...mark your calendars!  That's about all for now.  Little man is grunting in his crib, which means my momma time is up!

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