Thursday, February 14, 2013

18 week baby updates and more

I am exactly 18 weeks today and I'm pretty sure I look closer to 24.  Although I did go back and look at my pregnancy pics I took with Ty and I'm really not all that bigger this time just happened much quicker!  I've been terrible about taking pictures this pregnancy.  The first 4 months I felt so terrible, I barely got dressed each day, much less kept up with weekly belly shots.  I don't know what stops me now.  All I know is I think there's a total of 4 pictures on my iphone taken over the past 18 weeks.  Pitiful.

I had a prenatal appointment today.  My appointments are on a funky schedule thanks to finding out I was pregnant at a weird time and the sonographer quitting at my doctor's office.  Now my monthly appointments are off of the normal schedule, which for some reason bugs me.  Nevertheless, I went in nervous today, not for anything baby related, but scared that I would get in trouble over my weight gain.  Depending on the day and time I've weighed myself at home, it appeared that I had gained anywhere from 3-7lbs in the last 4wks.  Last time around my doctor was a bit strict when it came to weight gain and I spent most of my second trimester being reminded that slow and steady was the way to go.  Finally being able to eat again, not that anything particularly sounds good these days, I've easily started putting on weight, but much to my surprise, I had gained 4lbs (roughly a pound a week) since my last appointment.  Not a negative word was said...I'll take it!  With about 10 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the pantry, that just means I need to make sure I'm getting out and walking as much as possible!

My blood pressure was back down to normal.  Since the day I found out I was pregnant its been in the 130's, which is kind of high for me.  Today we were back to 115/78.  Another worry off the list.

I'm pretty sure I was attacked by vampires at the doctor's office today.  They did a blood draw for spina bifida, checking my thyroid and lord know what else.  All I know is they took 11 viles of blood.

Baby's heartbeat measured in the 140's today.  That has my head spinning even more about the sex of the baby.  I have seriously lost all intuition as to what we're having.  Based on the first trimester, without a doubt, I was sure we were having a girl.  Then I started craving spicy food.  Old wives tales mostly point that this baby is a girl, but they say with a girl you crave sweets (I ate sweets and fruit daily with does nothing for me now) and boys you crave the salty/spicy/sour food.  I want jalapeno chips and hot cheese dip...and I'm usually a weenie when it comes to spicy food.  What's even more strange is it doesn't give me any indigestion at all.  What does cause the most cream.  SO weird.  Ice cream was a staple in my diet when I was pregnant with Ty.  So due to my food cravings, I started to believe that this could possibly be a boy, but still feeling pretty confident with my girl prediction.  Now baby's heartbeat was lower today, closer to Ty's (although 140 was the high end for him).  I didn't feel any movement at all this morning though, so there's a part of me that believes the baby was sleeping then.  I have never been more curious!  We are being referred to Texas Children's Fetal and Maternal Medicine for our ultrasound again like we did at 12 weeks.  To my knowledge, the office has a new sonographer, but my doctor offered to let us see the specialist again if we wanted because their equipment is much more high tech.  We loved our visit with Texas Children's and I'm actually thrilled to be going there for our anatomy scan and hopeful gender reveal.  Not sure on a date yet.  The referral process just started, so hopefully next week they will call and schedule an appointment in the next couple of weeks.  So exciting!

I always get really nervous when the doctor comes in to check me during my appointment.  She's very dry and to the point, some describe her as having poor bedside manner, but she is very good at what she does.  During my first miscarriage, my former OB was almost too friendly, withholding information as if protecting me from what was happening.  I didn't like the run around and chose this OB based on the fact that she was very much to the point.  Today she wasn't as scary to me, lol.  She came to measure my belly, which I think is huge already, dropped the tape measure and said, "oh, you're not that big yet."  What, what?!?!  I actually laughed out loud.  She checked the height of my uterus by hand and showed me how its up around my belly button now and even commented that its right where it needs to be!  Wahoo!  I asked about a repeat c-section and she said she would prefer that.  I'm actually okay with it.  I realize that makes for a more difficult recovery, but there are perks too.  If I can make it to my scheduled c-section, it will be much easier to prepare for Ty and whoever will be taking care of him.  Almost halfway there!  I go back there in 4 weeks.

So I'd say for the last week or so, I've felt the baby moving daily!  I've been feeling flutters randomly since about 12 weeks, at least I think I have, but the past couple of weeks is unmistakable.  This week they are not just flutters, but periodically I feel a little jab too!  Baby really responds to food and moments of rest.  I am so busy with little man Ty, and even when I'm sitting still, we're driving cars, playing puzzles, reading books.  So at night or when I'm rocking him to sleep for a nap, the baby likes to take the time to make itself known.  I love it.

I have to brag on Ty for a bit.  In the last week, he has found the patience to complete puzzles!  I asked for puzzles for his birthday and he received 4 of them, but to be honest, he's never been able to sit still long enough to do anything but destroy them.  For a while all he did was chunk the pieces in every direction about the living room, so they went into hiding for a while the last month or so until he seemed ready to play.  In the meantime, Ty has been working his shape sorting toys.  He's been able to sort the shapes with help (showing him where to place it, and he would manipulate the piece into the right hole), and then he started doing them all by help, no frustration.  Last week he found his puzzles in hiding and brought one out to me in the living room.  We sat down and started to work.  He immediately could match the pieces to their places...they didn't fit correctly, but he laid them on top. I thought that was a really good start!  From there I would turn his hands until he got the piece in the right place and cheer like a mad woman.  He worked and worked and eventually was doing them on his own with a little help for frustrating pieces.  Monday he got a puzzle while I cooked breakfast, sat down and worked the whole thing by himself.  Such a proud momma moment.  Watching him learn is my favorite.

I know I mentioned this in a previous post, but Ty is officially starting Mother's Day Out in the fall!  We found out that he had a spot in a Wednesday/Friday class, but Monday I got all of the forms back from his pediatrician, turned in our registration forms, and paid the fee.  Officially enrolled.  Meet the Teacher Night is August 28.  He even walked in and out of the church all by himself...thought he was so cool.  Can't wait to buy him a backpack and a lunchbox!  He even says the word school on command.

That's all for now.  Hopefully in the near future I'll be able to announce whether we're having another boy or a girl!  

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